
five-year survival rate中文是什么意思

  • 五年存活率



  • 例句与用法
  • The five - year survival rate is only about fifteen percent
    五年的存活的概率只有50 。
  • The five - year survival rate is only about fifteen percent
    幸存能活五年的概率只有50 。
  • The five - year survival rate is only about fifteen percent
    肺癌五年的存活率大约只有15 % 。
  • The five - year survival rate is only about fifteen percent
  • The five - year survival rate is only about fifteen percent
    这个时候五年的存活期的概率只有15 % 。
  • The five - year survival rate is only about fifteen percent
    (肺癌病人的) 5年存活率仅有百分之十五。
  • For some skin cancers , the five - year survival rate is as high as 90 percent
    对一些皮肤癌患者,能活5年的比率是90 % 。
  • Once diagnosed , the five - year survival rate for esophageal adenocarcinoma is less than 10 percent
    患者在诊断出有食道腺癌后,五年后的存活率不到10 % 。
  • Filipinos have the second poorest five - year survival rates for colon and rectal cancers of all u . s . ethnic groups
  • While the five - year survival rate among patients with stage i lung cancer is about 70 percent , it is only 5 percent among those with stage iv disease
    尽管i期肺癌的五年生存率有大约70 ,但这种病人只有iv肺癌病人的5 % 。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 百科解释
The five-year survival rate is a term used in medicine for estimating the prognosis of a particular disease.
  • 推荐英语阅读
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